The following is a contribution by "William Wallace"
It took me awhile to realize that the road I was driving on was named after the Curtis Paper Mill. Most of you have seen it. Some of you have seen pictures of it. Even less of you have been inside of it. Apparently the place was a hot spot for bums and a haven for drug addicts. In the amount of time that I spent inside the mill, I saw very little of either. What I did see was artwork on the walls and history in the foundations. If you think about it, it kind of makes sense. During World War II the Curtis Paper Mill produced paper that was later used to print out some of the most important treaties of the war. That being considered, why shouldn’t the most important artists of our area go inside and continue to write on a canvas called Curtis? Most of the kids I talked to were too freaked out to venture into the Paper Mill. Understandable, because even once I got inside I wasn’t gonna fuck with the basement. The Mill was considered a landmark to the area and an important piece to the towns history. With its demolition I could see a little piece of Newark’s heart breaking and another piece of our area’s graffiti history getting crushed. To me, it seems kind of fitting that they left the Curtis smoke stack up for the time being.The last piece of graffiti left on the whole building sort of sums up how I feel about the Curtis Paper Mill, throughout its 137 year history it was always down for some action. William Wallace
I did not think I was going to do this. But it dawned on me, why do something if nobody sees it. Why have pictures and not share. Who cares... So this is just a repost of the original Moist spread that appears in the first issue of the Glamorous Life with two new photos. Just in case you did not see it.
MOIST SDC.FTK.SL My stereo is blasting "Trapped" by the Circle Jerks. It's 8pm in the evening and roaches are crawling all over my house dodging the various traps I have set for them. There isn't a better time than now to write about Moist. Moist is no stranger to the game. He has been laying his styles to the Delaware walls for the better half of his life. His colorful blowups and cartoon characters have undoubtedly influenced a large number of kids in the 302. But while they were pretending to be able to do what Moist does, he was doing it. Rocking walls and grates from New York down to Florida he is unorthodox, sometimes unbelievable and undeniably a bomber. While others graffiti careers last the average of 18 months or less, Moist can recall catching tags on the elementary school playground. Show and tell was always a mystery because Moist kept an elusive lifestyle. When he was not sitting in school picking up the ladies, you could find him smuggling paint from your local stores walking around shirtless trying to find that next spot. How he did some of the spots he did I will never know and I don't want to know. What I did enjoy knowing was that he was still painting bringing a different style to the often copycatted scene here in Delaware. If you dont see him that much anymore, just take pride in knowing that he's making more money than you, driving a nicer car than you and doing fine. As I finish writing this just remember one thing...